Short story some of you might enjoy. I was a CH 47 Chinook Pilot in the military. On my third flight in the CH-47 I made a comment about how the helicopter is a slow brick in the sky not as agile as the little 58. My instructor pilot looked at me and said he has the controls. Next thing I know we’re at Treetop level at about 120 kn doing almost map of the earth along a river. One second I’m looking out my left window and seeing the ground and the next and looking at the stars. When it was done I thought I was going to have to pull the seat cushion out of my fifth point. Most of the time the Chinook is a slow flying workhorse. But in a moments notice that bird can really move. Definitely a fun experience I went to an air show when I was younger and my dad paid for a helicopter ride for me and the 2nd time I rode in a helicopter was when was in a motorcycle accident and had to be airlifted to the hospital I remember just floating sure would love to get a chance to go Again in this life time
Helicopters and planes are some of the safest vehicles on the planet not only because of the rigorous training involved to fly one but also because of the copious amounts of maintenance involved.
I remember not thinking much of it as i got on a helicopter for the first time it was until my cousin asked the pilot how he got a big scar across his face to which he replied helicopter crash. It was in that monent I realized we were heading straight into a mountain before he pulled up last second and proceeded to show off crazy maneuvers boy i tell you that’s about as close as ive ever been to crapping my pants